- ANOTHER GOOD YEAR SHAPING UP FOR WinnipegREALTORS® - - - June MLS® Sales Over 1,500

WinnipegREALTORS® is at the half way mark of 2011. Its MLS® market activity is tracking well as forecast. Sales are only down 4% from sales recorded in 2007 – the best year ever - and just 2% off the second best year in 2008. June sales activity of 1,516 is not far off peak sales recorded for this month, only just edged out by 2007 and 2008 when sales were 1,564 and 1,562 respectively. They are also the fifth highest total for any month with May 2007 at the top with 1,652 sales. Another indicator of how well June sales activity went this year is the fact the equivalent of 4 out of 5 new listings sold and nearly half of the entire MLS® inventory turned over...

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- MLS® SALES AND NEW LISTINGS REBOUND IN MAY - - - May MLS® Sales and New MLS® Listings Up 5%

Not only did May 2011 record the highest dollar volume month ever in WinnipegREALTORS® 108-year history to eclipse the $350 million level, sales and new listings outperformed May 2010 and showed a marked improvement over a disappointing April 2011. The May MLS® market rebound in sales and listings from April is proof flood-related concerns dampened activity. This factor alone held back what normally is a brisker spring start to WinnipegREALTORS®’ busiest months...

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- 2011 APRIL MLS® SALES MIRROR 2009 - - - Flood Situation and Effort Impact Sales

It is no coincidence the 2011 flood in Manitoba affected WinnipegREALTORS® MLS® market as listings were down 15% from April 2010 and much closer to 2009 where we had some major flood issues to deal with like this year. MLS® sales are virtually identical to 2009 and conversions of listings to sales are off in the same way compared to non-flood springs...

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- WINNIPEG'S MLS® MARKET ROCKS - - - Beat All Previous March Records

Not to take away from former Winnipegger Neil Young’s artist of the year and humanitarian awards at the Junos last month or local REALTORS® rocking the night away March 16th to raise thousands of dollars for the Manitoba Real Estate Association Shelter Foundation, the local real estate market marched to its own steady beat with a recording better than ever before for this month of the year. It also is apparent the first quarter was outstanding as it edged out the best first quarter ever in 2007 with over 2,500 in MLS® sales and $570 million in dollar volume (no previous first quarter has eclipsed one-half a billion dollars before)...

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- LET'S DO SOMETHING NOW - - - Rental Market Solutions Need to be Implemented

A discussion paper on Manitoba’s acute rental shortage, released today by WinnipegREALTORS®; calls for action now to turnaround a long protracted shortage of rental housing. Winnipeg’s .8% rental vacancy rate (lowest vacancy rate of 34 census metropolitan centres surveyed in the nation by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in fall 2010) is a contributing factor in making Winnipeg’s housing less affordable. It is also limiting good housing market choice and flexibility since rental is so scarce...

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- 2011 GETS OFF TO A GOOD START - - - A New MLS® Dollar Volume Record Set for the Month of January

It appears some homeowners may have been a little more conscientious about keeping their driveways and entranceways shoveled and cleaned this month as listings were up noticeably from last January. Buyers were out and about as well. This resulted in WinnipegREALTORS® having its fifth highest January sales performance on record for MLS® sales. A new record January MLS® dollar volume was established too. Interestingly enough, with all the talk this year of another potential major spring flood, the best January ever at 660 sales (far surpasses anything since then) was in 1997...

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- DECEMBER AGLOW WITH BRIGHT MLS® NUMBERS - - - Highest Monthly Average Home Price at $252,000

December was a month to remember with WinnipegREALTORS® recording its highest average monthly home sales price ever at $252,414. The previous high was June 2010 at $250,440. This record is not typical of a December. Historically, the highest monthly average sales price tends to be in the busier spring months. The month of the year is becoming far less significant as a determining factor of average monthly sales price and not surprisingly the prevailing tight housing market conditions is the primary cause...

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